Payment queries

Vigla offers queries to check for existing payments, regardless of whether you have received a successful notification.

For example you may use those API calls to monitor for the number of confirmations if your security scenario differs from the standard 10-blocks unlock time.

GET /payments/tx/(string: txid)/

Returns a list of payments received in the transaction of given txid

Example request:


Example response:

    "address": "75KLTYoKwsTFGBMSHg8AhD8MTxP4oz9JK2YgSF8RAhPsFgnkrJFbqEpRVdFwceyVtUhq1xHagUyqBAFEXJ4oBGRvDc54YXa",
    "amount": "3.141592653589",
    "height": 524845,
    "status": "mined",
    "last_status_notified": "mined",
    "txid": "f3a33600ec16c064765ad07644e458a4679e10fa9ca7acb3467a40ad3a639689"
Response Headers:
Status Codes:
Response JSON Object:
  • address (string) – the subaddress itself
  • amount (string) – the received amount formatted as string of .12f precision. A float is not used intentionally to avoid potential rounding errors.
  • height (int) – the height of the block containing the transaction, null if the transaction is still in mempool
  • status (string) – payment status, one of three values (pool, mined, unlocked)
  • last_status_notified (string) – last status for which a successful notification has been delivered
  • txid (string) – the ID (hash) of the transaction
GET /payments/addr/(string: address)/

Returns a list of payments sent to given address

Example request:


Example response:

    "address": "75KLTYoKwsTFGBMSHg8AhD8MTxP4oz9JK2YgSF8RAhPsFgnkrJFbqEpRVdFwceyVtUhq1xHagUyqBAFEXJ4oBGRvDc54YXa",
    "amount": "3.141592653589",
    "height": 524845,
    "status": "mined",
    "last_status_notified": "mined",
    "txid": "f3a33600ec16c064765ad07644e458a4679e10fa9ca7acb3467a40ad3a639689"
Response Headers:
Status Codes:
Response JSON Object:
  • address (string) – the subaddress itself
  • amount (string) – the received amount formatted as string of .12f precision. A float is not used intentionally to avoid potential rounding errors.
  • height (int) – the height of the block containing the transaction, null if the transaction is still in mempool
  • status (string) – payment status, one of three values (pool, mined, unlocked)
  • last_status_notified (string) – last status for which a successful notification has been delivered
  • txid (string) – the ID (hash) of the transaction